Let Me Count The Ways

Daddy loves Mommy

How Does He Love Her?
  • For her Smile
  • For her Spirit
  • For her Determination
  • For her Compassion
  • For her Intelligence
  • For her Kindness
  • For her Willingness
  • For her Forgiveness
  • For her Propriety
  • For her Hair
  • For her Slender, Lithe, and Athletic Figure
  • For her Success
  • For her Hard Work
  • For her Street Smarts
  • For her “Spidey Sense”
  • For her “Doing the Right Thing”
  • For her “Tiger Mom…grrr”
  • For her love for Bunnies
  • For her love for Pookie
  • For her love for me…


Happy 17th Kitty